Agricultural activities in the coastal zone are in a constant balancing act with other land uses, such as urbanisation, other economic developments, and nature. Nevertheless, agriculture remains an important economic sector in the coastal zone (Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries). Additionally, many ecosystem services linked to agriculture provide significant societal benefits. Coastal agriculture, for instance, creates a green oasis with various recreational assets, plays a crucial role in water regulation, and contributes to a unique landscape with distinctive biodiversity.
However, agriculture has a tight, yet harmful connection to the sea due to the phenomenon of eutrophication. The discharge of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus can cause large-scale algal blooms, leading to habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. At the European level, eutrophication is addressed by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, Directive 2008/56/EC) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC). Under the umbrella of the WFD, the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) aims to reduce nitrate leaching from agriculture. In Flanders, this directive has been transposed into the Manure Decree, which is practically implemented through the Manure Action Plan (MAP) (VLM).
Conversely, the sea also affects the hinterland through soil salinisation. This phenomenon is expected to play an increasing role in light of climate change and its effects on hydrology. The issue was recently mapped in the TOPSOIL project, which provided a detailed description of the freshwater-saltwater balance across the entire coastal and polder region. The results indicate that, for now, the groundwater balance between freshwater and saltwater in the coastal and polder region remains relatively stable.
In the Belgian coastal and hinterland municipalities, 1,937 agricultural enterprises were active in 2023. These farms provided employment to over 4,100 people and generated a turnover of 580.6 million euro. The primary specialisations of these farms include arable farming, cattle farming, and livestock breeding (pigs and poultry). The total cultivated land in the coastal zone covers 69,844 hectares (2023), representing 11.3% of the agricultural land in Flanders (Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries, based on Statbel Agricultural figures).
More information on agriculture in the coastal zone can be found in the thematic chapter Agriculture of the Compendium for Coast and Sea and KustINzicht 2025.

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